VITIS Healthcare Group

Driving Innovation
for Healthcare.

VITIS Healthcare Group

Driving Innovation
for Healthcare.

Proof of Innovation

Health Economics and Outcomes Research

The standards we set for our services are based on the latest research and study findings. Evidence and knowledge generation are always at the heart of our work, serving as a source of inspiration for our work.
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Strategy in Partnership


We advise qualified professionals from outpatient and inpatient care, as well as pharmaceutical manufacturers, biotech, and medtech companies. We provide our clients with comprehensive and practical solutions that create sustainable added value.
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Never Stop Learning


Mit Workshops, Sprechstunden, Fachkonferenzen und mehr von Expert*innen aus den Bereichen Medizin, Controlling und Pharmazie unterstützen wir Sie bei der Erweiterung Ihres Wissens durch praxisorientierte Veranstaltungen und Hospitationen.
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precise analysis

Data Services

We provide comprehensive analyses of healthcare quality and efficiency, support the integration of diverse data sources, and create secure environments for precise, privacy-compliant evaluations.
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Services based on practical application and evidence-based methods

We integrate medical, economic, and care-related fields following the guiding principle of the patient journey while applying the latest scientific knowledge in our projects.
Network of experienced clinicians, pharmacists, private practice physicians, and medical controllers
Close alignment with both inpatient and outpatient care sectors
Agile approaches for dynamic results
Clinical and practical experience
High flexibility, customized to meet your requirements
Expertise in health economics, public health, business administration, and economics
Tailored solutions for your unique success
Peer-reviewed publications, particularly in the fields of hematology and infectiology
Evidence-based science as the foundation of our services

Driving Innovation for Healthcare.
Driving Innovation for You.

Our service portfolio is designed for leading companies in the healthcare sector: hospitals/clinics/centers, outpatient care facilities, pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, medtech companies or startups.
Request your customized proposal now and step into the future of healthcare with us.
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As VITIS Healthcare Group, we offer specialized consulting services primarily for pharmaceutical, biotech and medtech companies, as well as hospitals. By collaborating with highly qualified professionals and leading organizations in healthcare, we provide our clients with comprehensive, practical solutions that create lasting value.
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Data Services

Discover our Data Services: We provide comprehensive analyses of healthcare quality and efficiency, support the integration of diverse data sources, and create secure environments for precise, privacy-compliant evaluations.
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This is us

The Team

Our core team consists of experts in health economics, medicine, social sciences, economics, psychology, IT, and natural sciences.

Proximity to University Hospital Cologne

The VITIS Healthcare Group’s proximity to the University Hospital Cologne and the Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) Cologne is not only visible geographically, but has historical roots and is based on many years of close collaboration.
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Have we caught your interest?

Do not hesitate to give us a call or send us a message by e-mail or via the contact form.